Summary of 2024:
Registered paddlers: 108
Registered boats: 67 (51 boats for the long track, 16 boats for the short track).
DNS: 1 single-seated kayak.
DNF: 2 double-seated kayaks.
Winner's time (with calm wind): 3.41.58 (Oleg Mozessov), route selection 38.6 km.
Last finishers: 8.38.05.
0 cases of sea rescue.
The longest route selection (Marko Kindlam): 38.7 km.
The shortest route selection (Evelin Oimandi): 36.5 km.

Summary of 2023:
Registered paddlers: 61.
Registered boats: 43.
DNS: 1 single-seated kayak.
DNF: 2 double-seated kayaks.
Winner's time (in windy weather): 4.00h (Andres Kaju, Olga Kaju), route selection 38.7 km.
Last finishers: 7.05h.
0 cases of sea rescue.
The longest route selection (Marit and Juhan Aasaru, Tarmo Napa and Laura Kruusmann): 39.4 km.
The shortest route selection (Jaan Lott): 36.7 km.

Summary of 2022:
11 boats at the finish, 4 of which were single-seated kayaks.
Total registered paddlers: 32.
DNS: 14 registered paddlers (due to the change of the marathon day because of weather conditions).
DNF: 0.
Winner's time (in windy weather): 4.42h (Teet Peedu, Kaupo Vallik).
Last finishers: 7.40h.
0 cases of sea rescue.